Friday 22 June 2012

Baked Chicken with Herb de Provence

Sorry I haven't been posting, am very busy with my school work)

My kids loved this recipe.  Quick and easy and was delicious.


-5 Chicken Breasts
-olive oil
-1 tablespoon herb de provence
-the juice of one lime
-a sprinkle of chilli powder
-salt and pepper to taste
-splash of red wine

Preheat oven to 350.  In a casserole dish that has a lid place the chicken.  Cover both sides in olive oil (just enough to coat the chicken) drizzle the lime juice over the chicken, sprinkle chilli powder over top, then the tablespoon of herb de Provence over the chicken salt and pepper to taste.  The add the red wine to bottom on tray to help keep the chicken moist when cooking.  Cover and cook for 35 minutes or until chicken is cooked all the way through.

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