Wednesday 8 May 2013

Candied Pecans, Pomegranate Salad with a Fig Salad Dressing

This salad was incredible and fairly easy.  Although it may sound complicated, it really isn't.  Worth every minute of time and care.  The taste combinations are incredible.  I made this for my Dad's 69th birthday.

How to Candy Pecans (I asked my brother in law how to do this...he is a chef)

-1 cup of sugar
-pecans (i used 1 cup)

-in a pot on high heat place sugar, stir frequently it will turn into a liquid, as soon as this does throw in the pecans.  This is incredible not touch (trust me).  Then place pecans on a cookie tray with parchment paper, spread them out and bake in oven for 5 minutes at 350.

Variations that I have done:  added cinnamon or freshly grated ginger

Fig Salad dressing

2/3 cup high quality EVOO
4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
juice of half a lime
juice of 1/4 orange
1 heaping tablespoon Dijon mustard
3-4 fresh figs (pulp)
1 tablespoon maple syrup
a pinch of salt
pepper to taste

Mix together.  Let sit for a few hours.

The Salad

-Baby spinach and Baby arugula
-baked pears
-pomegranate seeds
-1 avocado (lime juice squeezed on it)
-1 small red onion
-candied pecans

-bake pears in oven at 350 for 15 minutes.  Set aside to cool.  Mix together ingredients and serve.

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