Sunday 4 November 2012

Mussels in a Yellow Thai Curry Coconut Soup

Mussels in a Yellow Thai Curry Coconut Soup

-1 tablespoon butter
-2 onions chopped
-1 tablespoon lemon grass
-1 teaspooon finely grated ginger
-2 cloves of garlic
-1 cup white wine
-1 can of coconut milk
-1 cup broth (veggie or chicken)
-2 tablespoons yellow thai curry paste
-1 tablespoon soya sauce
-4-5 pounds of fresh mussels, washed well.
-jest and juice of 2 limes
-2 green onions chopped
-fresh cilantro

-in a large pot with a lid, melt butter on medium heat and add onions chopped.  Once the onion is cooked, add lemon grass, ginger, broth, wine, curry paste, coconut milk, lime juice and zest, and soya sauce.  Allow the flavours to blend and stir often.  Once all the spices are mixed together, bring to a boil and add mussels, cover.  Cook for about 10 minutes.  Only eat the mussels that are completely open.  Serve soup and top with green onions and cilantro.

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