Wednesday 26 September 2012

Eggplant Parmesan

This is my version of eggplant parmesan.  I used almost all organic ingredients from the Leslieville Farmer's market.  I only used two small eggplant and I was able to make almost 2 dishes.

Tomato Sauce

olive oil (1-2 tablespoons)
1 large leek chopped
2 portabello mushrooms
1 green pepper
1 purple pepper (could be red, orange, yellow)
1 zucchini chopped
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 jar of stewed tomatoes
salt and pepper

In a large frying pan add the leeks and olive oil, cook on a medium heat.  Allow the leeks to soften, then add mushrooms.  Stirring frequently.  Once mushrooms are cooked add the zucchini, peppers and chili powder, cook until soft, then add 1 jar of stewed tomatoes.  Allow to cook.

Eggplant Parmesan

2 small eggplants, sliced finely
1 cup flour
3 eggs whisked
2 cups bread crumbs
salt an pepper
3 tablespoons parmesan cheese
Mozzarella Cheese (I used an entire brick)

Slice eggplant and flour both sides. Mix bread crumbs, parmesan cheese and salt and pepper so that the mixture is consistent.  Dip the eggplant in the egg (the egg which has been whisked in a bowl) and coat with the bread crumb mixture.

In a large frying pan add enough olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan and once the oil is warmed add the eggplant.  Add the eggplant until it is browned on both sides.  You can place on paper towels, to absorb some of the oil.  Then place in the bottom of casserole dish cover with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese, and continue the layers and then bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes.  I placed under the broiler until cheese is browned.

I had extra eggplant and no sauce, however I had beautiful heirloom tomatoes.  I salted and peppered the tomatoes and then layered the eggplant with the tomatoes and mozzarella cheese.  So amazing.

Leslieville Market 

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