Monday 17 September 2012

Raspberry Salmon with a Raspberry Lemon Ginger sauce

This is my favourite salmon recipe yet.  It was incredible.  I had left over raspberry sauce which I combined with plain yoghurt for breakfast the next day.  The sauce takes a while to cook.  About 30 minutes.

Raspberry Salmon

-Atlantic salmon (I cooked about 2 pounds of salmon)
-1 oz dark rum
-2 tablespoons raspberry vinegar
-the zest of 1 lemon and juice

In a casserole dish place fish skin side down and place the zest of lemon on top of fish.  In a bowl mix the rum, raspberry vinegar and lemon juice.  Pour over fish and cook at 425 for 10-15 mins.

Raspberry Lemon Ginger Sauce 

-1 pint of  raspberries
-the zest and juice of 1 lemon
-2 tablespoons raspberry balsamic vinegar
-1 tablespoon fresh ginger
-2 tablespoons maple syrup
-2 tablespoons brown sugar
-1 cup red wine or cranberry juice

-in a sauce pan add raspberries, zest of the lemon, ginger, maple syrup, brown sugar and wine or cranberry juice.  Cook on medium to create a thicker sauce.  Serve on top of the salmon

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