Monday 24 September 2012

Poppy Seed Veggies with Pomegranate and mustard sauce

Poppy Seed Veggies with Pomegranate and Mustard Sauce

-1/2 red onion sliced
-1 zucchinni sliced
-1/2 sweet potato
-3 beets cooked and sliced
-2 tablespoons poppy seed
-different greens (kale, beets greens, collards etc)
-1/2 pomegranate

In a frying pan and add olive oil, once warm add onions and sweet potatoes, zucchinni.  Cook until they are browned.  (already have the beets cooked, peeled and sliced).  Once they are all browned, add poppy seeds.  Then add the greens and continue to stir.  Place in a bowl and top with pomegranate.  

Mustard Maple Sauce

-3 tablespoons of olive oil
-1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 
-1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
-salt and pepper
-1 tablespoon maple syrup
-juice of half a lemon

Mix and top on salad.

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