Sunday 2 September 2012

Pan Fried Portabello Mushrooms

I love mushrooms.  One of my favourite things as a side dish or a main meal is portabello mushrooms.  They are delicious, easy to make it and can be changed to suit your meal.  The combination of the chili powde, parmesan cheese and the red wine make these mushrooms beefy and hardy.  I love this recipe.

Pan fried portabello mushrooms

-1 tablespoon of butter or olive oil
-1 large onion chopped
-2 portabello mushrooms chopped
-3 cloves of garlic finely chopped
-1 tablespoon chili powder
-1/4 cup red wine
-3 tablespoons parmesan cheese

This night I used butter, it adds a different flavour.  So in a frying pan, melt butter or heat oil.  Add onions and allow then to soften (cook till clear) add the mushrooms and garlic. Cook until the mushrooms have cooked all the way through, about 7 mins depending on stove.  Once they have cooked add the chili powder and cook a bit longer, add the red wine and allow the flavours t mix together.  Stir occasionally and then when the wine has reduced, add the parmesan cheese and mix and serve.

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