Tuesday 20 March 2012

Chicken Parmesan

So I have people coming for dinner tonight I am making chicken parmesan.  I have made the tomato sauce from scratch yesterday.  I plan on making a trip to the Butcher to get some fresh Italian sausage to make the pasta.  The sauce is cooking, on the stove, the house smells delicious and I need to make my bread crumbs.   have fresh bread from the bakery in Kensington Market.  I haven't made chicken parm is so long, I can't wait.  

Bread crumbs are easy to make, any time you need them.  I place bread on a cookie sheet, I buttered the bread today and spices and toast the bread in the oven at 350.  I the scrap the bread.  I realize buying bread crumbs is cheap and quick, however I try really hard to stay away from premade things. Also, if you have bread that is starting to go then use that bread instead of spending money.  We waste so much food every week, bread is often thrown out.  We waste so much.  

Last night I brought over some flank steak to my neighbour and he in return gave me some of his homemade lasagne.  My friend who came for dinner last night has offered to bake me a loaf of fresh bread.  Share your food and create community.  Inspire your friends and family.  

Food is for sharing.  Its ingredients, its creation, its flavours, 
and its stories are all their best when experienced with our family, 
friends and community. 
Canadian Chef Michael Smith

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