Sunday 4 March 2012


So I just finished another 12 hour shift, I am using Friday's left over dinner of spaghetti sauce to make lasagne tonight.  So cheaters lasagne...which is delicious.  

T's Cheaters Lasagne

Tomato Sauce Recipe from March 2
Mozarella cheese, asiago cheese, parmesan cheese, cheddar cheese grated
Oven ready lasagne noodles

Warm spaghetti sauce up in a pot until heated throughout, place in bottom of a lasagne tray a small portion of sauce, place lasagne noodles on top of sauce top with cheese, and another layer of sauce till tray is full...remember that in the oven the sauce will bubble so leave room at top to account for the bubbling.  Top with the cheese and cook according to directions on oven ready lasagne noodles.  

(I had sauce warmed and lasagne ready for oven in 10 minutes)
Throw together a salad and use salad dressing from Friday night.

Or use rest of baguette from French Onion Soup to make garlic bread.  Either way you have made a healthy delicious dinner that isn't out of a box.  In 10 minutes prep time.  Cooking isn't all that much work, it's just about planning and thinking about what is in the fridge.  Left overs can be made into new meals with a little work.  trying out new things too...and as I always say...if it tastes bad...order food!!!!

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