Thursday 29 March 2012

Hot hamburger sandwiches

Last night my friend came with a bag of organic fruit and vegetables that she has delivered to her house weekly.  She came bearing the gifts of a mango, which was my snack today.  Radish greens, carrot tops, apples, oranges, zucchini, pears.  A feast, not to mention a pesto sauce she had made and a chickpea, mushroom, crab salad with olives.  We ended up going out for Indian...we were out picking up my daughter from school and the weather changed quickly and we were delayed returning to my place. So we stopped at an Indian restaurant where we enjoyed the delights.  It was unfortunate not to be able to inspire each other in the kitchen.  However my children were able to experience the different tastes of India.  Yum.
Today I had yet another visitor, she is one on my longest friends and it started out she was just going too be here between meetings and it turned into a two meal affair.  It started with a late afternoon snack, we ate the chickpea salad made by friend from yesterday and I made a spinach salad with pomegranate.  I was shocked to fine them in my supermarket this morning and bought three to celebrate!!!! Then as my friends second meeting was rescheduled we first worked to rearrange my apartment and she helped me to de clutter a few items.  I then started making hot hamburger sandwiches.  I know people have asked how to save money with meals etc, I think tonight's dinner was low cost, delicious and quick and easy.  Know, I used pre-made prime rib burgers that I got on sale, regular whole wheat bread and sweet potatoes.  I used a can of beef gravy...which came home with my from the grocery store and someone was given my can of coconut milk :( it a few months ago, and we used it to make hot hamburger sandwiches.

We panned friend the hamburgers than placed in the oven at 300 to keep warm.  

Sweet Potato Goodness

-3 medium sweet potatoes, sliced like coins
-1 small onion diced
-1 tablespoon chilipowder
-1/4 teaspoon cumin
-1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
-salt an pepper
-1 teaspoon tamari soya sauce
-1/4 cup white wine
-1 tablespoon brown sugar
-2 tablespoons parmesan cheese

In a large frying pan I sautéed Onions, sweet potatoes cut like coins in a dash olive oil on medium heat, once they had cooked for about five minutes I started to add the dry spices (Chili powder, cumin, mustard, pepper) I continued to cook until the sweet potatoes were beginning to brown, I added tamari, and the spash of white wine and allowed it to cook, at this point I found it spicy and knowing my friend I added some brown sugar and topped with parmesan cheese and served.

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