Sunday 11 March 2012

my red curried sweet potato soup with coconut milk and pineapple

Good morning, It is a beautiful day here in Toronto.  I am on my way out to a park to spend time with my kids.  Before I go I was asked to post my red curried sweet potato soup with fresh pineapple and coconut milk.

I love my Dutch oven, as I have never burnt anything in it.  It is an essential thing in my can leave things simmering all day without worrying to have to stir all the time.

T's Red Curried Sweet Potato Soup 

-3 sweet potatoes peeled and chopped into your desired thickness, I like mine to fit on a spoon
-2 tablespoons olive oil
-2 yellow carrots sliced like coins
-2 small onions sliced
-2 cloves of garlic minced
-1 shallot chopped
-4 tablespoons of red curry paste (depends on your level of spiciness)
-1 tablespoon lemongrass chopped
-1 tablespoon cumin
-1 teaspoon grated ginger
-3 or 4 fresh basil leaves
-2 or 3 kaffir lime leaves
-chilli oil if you have
-1 lime squeezed
-2 cups of fresh pineapple in chunks
-500ml of veggie or chicken broth
-1 can of coconut milk
-fresh cilantro chopped to garnish

-in a large pot over medium, add olive oil, sweet potato, onions, carrots, cook until onions are clear, add shallots and garlic and cook for a few minutes add the red curry paste and mix with veggies, add the lemon grass, ginger, cumin, basil, kaffir lime leaves, pineapple, broth and coconut milk.  Reduce to simmer for an hour to allow all flavours to infuse.  You can add chunks of chicken as well.  

Also if you have the ability to purchase a can of AROY-D Red Curry then you can add this can and omit from curry paste down to chili oil.  (this is what I do when rushing)  The prep time is about 10 minutes, cooking about 1 hour and a half.  

The pineapple sweetness with the heat of this dish is just incredible.  One of my favourite soups.  Sometimes I also throw in chopped waterchestnuts or bamboo shoots.

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