Friday 2 March 2012

I like to make my spaghetti sauce from scratch.  I started by making a trip to Chinatown and purchasing 4 pounds of plum tomatoes.  I marked them with an x with a knife and placed in boiling water which removed the skin for about 30 seconds each.  I placed in my Dutch oven, with some olive oil, salt, pepper, fresh garlic cloves, and onions.  I cook on a medium heat stirring for about 4 hours, until a beautiful sauce like texture has been created.  (now I realize you can buy tomatoes already canned, however, this sauce tastes amazing).  Tonight I will walk over to the Butcher and purchase 3 hot Italian sausage, that I will remove the casing, chop and fry.  In the tomatoes I will place fresh peppers, grated carrots, mushrooms and grated zucchini.  Then will add the sausage and I will cook for an hour.

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