Sunday 11 March 2012

Stuffed peppers

Stir frying the veggies

This is the meat with the qunioa added

Bake in oven at 350 for 30 minutes than top with cheese and cook for 10 more minutes

So tonight I am making stuffed peppers with the left over taco meat from Friday night.  I made quinoa  in beef broth.  I stir fried the ingredients, with onions, chopped up peppers, my home made salsa and mixed in grated cheddar cheese, some cumin, chili powder, some tamari and half an avocado. Then I stuffed two red peppers and cooked with the rest of my home made salsa in the oven.  I blanched the peppers in boiling water for 2 minutes before stuffing.  Bake in oven for 30 minutes, top with some cheddar cheese cook for another 10 minutes and serve.

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