Sunday 8 April 2012

Berry Baked Brie

Tonight for dinner I am on my way to visit my parents.  My Aunt who has multiple allergies is going to be there.  I am making a baked Brie.  My favourite baked Brie has pears, which I cannot make today.  So off to the store to discover a fruit choice to make my baked Brie.  

Teresa's Berry Baked Brie

1 Brie (I love the goat Brie)
4 large strawberries chopped up small
1 handful of blueberries
1 handful of raspberries
the juice and zest of 1 lime
1/2 cup white wine
3 tablespoons brown sugar
the juice of half a lemon and zest

In a large frying pan add fruit, wine, brown sugar.  Simmer.
Allow the fruit to reduce and add the lime and lemon juice and the zest
of both lime and lemon.

In a Brie baker or a French Onion Soup bowl
Cut Brie in half top with fruit add top portion of Brie, top with fruit.
Cover and bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until rind
s soft.  Serve with bread, pitas, or crackers.
Today it is being served with a baguette.

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