Thursday 26 April 2012

roasted potatoes

Last night I made fillet Mignon along with roasted potatoes.  The fillet was peppercorn which I bought at my local speciality food shop.  I was sad last week when I discovered that my butcher European meats was closed and moved to a new location.  Which is not within walking distance.  As a true Torontian I have no car and have reduced my carbon footprint.

My roasted potatoes

1 pound of new potatoes washed and cut in half 
olive oil
3 cipollini onions minced
salt and pepper
1 teaspoon herb de Provence
1 teaspoon dried rosemary
sprinkle with chilli powder

I bought little red skinned potatoes, I cut in half and boiled for 10 minutes, drained and placed on a cookie sheet with the spices and olive oil and baked at 350 for 30 minutes stirring occasion till nicely roasted.

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