Saturday 7 April 2012

Red curried lentil vegetable curry

Vegetarian Dinner

Tonight my friend came over that is a vegetarian, she however eats fish.  I was a veggie for about 8 years, so it is fairly easy for me to make up a meal.  I wasn't expecting her, so this dinner was on the fly.  I decided to make the same tuna salad I made the other day, the almond brittle tuna salad with apples tonight instead of pears. It turned out amazing.  I then  also made a curried red lentil red curry with veggies served over brown rice noodles.  She was full.s able to get enough protein from this meal, almonds, goat cheese and tuna in the salad, and lentils in the curry.  As a former vegetarian it can be so difficult to get all the protein that is required in a lot of meals.  Remember when cooking for a vegetarian they need protein to keep 
 Amazing Tuna salad with almond brittle, peppercorn goat cheese and roasted apples.
(see my recipe from April 2nd)
 This is the red lentil red curried vegetables

Red Curried Red Lentils

-1 cup red lentils (rinsed)
-2 cups vegetable broth

Wash red lentils in water until water clear.  Add the vegetable broth and start to boil on medium high heat.  

-1 medium large onion chopped
-sweet potatoes chopped in coins
-2 cloves of garlic
-3 carrots chopped
-2 celery stocks
-1 can coconut milk
-red curry paste
-juice of  1 lime
(can of pineapples optional)
-lemon grass
-lime leaves 

-In a frying pan a splash of olive oil, add onions, carrots, sweet potatoes, cook until browned.  Add coconut milk, 1 cup veggies broth, red curry paste, juice of a lime, 1 tablespoon lemon grass chopped
lime leaves and can of pineapple and simmer.  Add the cooked lentils and allow to cook for a half an hour, serve over rice, rice noodles of quinoa.

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