Wednesday 11 April 2012

Pan fried Chicken

A beautiful sunny in Toronto.  A quick dinner tonight as I have a meeting tonight.  I popped into the Healthy Butcher on Queen Street and purchased chicken breasts and hot Italian sausage.  I pan fried the chicken breast and made Alfredo sauce before heading out to my kids school meeting.  In a matter of 20 minutes, we had a delicious meal.

Pan Fried Chicken

-1 chicken breast
-small amount of oil or butter
-herb de provence (i just sprinkle it on chicken)
-salt and pepper
-fresh lemon juice 
-1/2 cup white wine

On medium high heat cook chicken breast in oil or butter.  sprinkle spices on chicken and add lemon juice and wine.  Allow to cook on first side for about 8-10 minutes.  When chicken no longer is sticking to pan turn it over.  You may cover it.  Keep adding wine if you find that the liquid is cooking off.  On a side note, when cooking with wine the alcohol cooks off and you can feed this to children.

"Those who have no time for healthy eating

will sooner or later have to find time
for illness." – Edward Stanley

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