Saturday 6 October 2012

Orange Pumpkin Soup

Orange Pumpkin Soup

-1 tablespoon olive oil or sesame oil
-1 medium pumpkin
-2 large leeks cleaned and chopped
-2 onions chopped
-3 medium carrots chopped
-1 small sweet potato
-900ml veggie broth (tetra pack)  I used organic vegetable, you could use chicken for this
-1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger
-2 tablespoons chili powder
-1 cinnamon stick
-1 can coconut milk
-zest and juice of 2 oranges
-salt and pepper to taste

-roasted sesame seeds or roasted almonds to top soup

In a large soup pot on medium heat add oil, onions and leeks.  Cook until they are soft.  While the onions are cooking, gut, chop and peel the pumpkin into small chunks. Peel and dice the carrots and sweet potato.  Once the onions are cooked, add the broth, pumpkin, carrots and sweet potato and allow to come to a boil.  Add the chili powder, cinnamon stick and ginger.  I put probably about 1 teaspoon of fresh pepper in.  Once the veggies are soft add the zest and juices of 2 oranges and the coconut milk.  Allow to simmer.  Purée the soup and top with roasted sesame seeds or almonds seeds.

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